November 2016 vol.8
投稿日: 2016/11/02 23:14:47
Dear Ace students,
Hello November! It’s beginning to get colder and colder every day. As the days get colder, I hope everyone remembers to care for one another. We have much to be thankful for in our lives. The best way to celebrate our gifts in life is to be thankful. In America, Thanksgiving is a holiday for being thankful.
Americans celebrate thanksgiving to remember when the first Europeans came to America and became friends with the Native American Indians. The Europeans had a difficult time settling in America and they couldn’t produce food because they were foreigners. The Indians gave them hospitality and taught them how to love and respect the land. This is why Americans celebrate thanksgiving. It is a way for family, friends and neighbors to share and give thanks for their lives.
Since the weather continues to get colder, it is important for us to be kind to one another. Remember that we are all one family and we should love and respect each other. Remember, the best way to stay warm in the cold is to be with warm loving people.
——Andrew Galang