投稿日: 2019/10/01 3:04:50
Dear ACE Students,
The seasons are well-respected in Japan, governing not only the weather but what people are getting up to. With each season, different festivities are put on and different foods eaten. Autumn is the season of gorgeous fall foliage, traditional festivals, and delicious food. Autumn is particularly special. For the most part, anyone travelling to Japan in October will be too early to see the spectacular autumn leaves. It’s been a year since I first experienced the autumn season and I can’t wait for it. I love watching the leaves change color. The Halloween is big in Japan! In America and some other countries tend to go in for trick and treating and they need much persuading to dress up but not much here in Japan. In the land of cost play, anime and manga, Halloween is a big deal. Most especially in Tokyo area. There are lots of events and festivals to enjoy this season and I’m sure that most everyone loves this time of the year because of the beautiful sceneries and pleasant temperature.